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1.    G. Horhoianu, W. Vandermeulen, C. Janssen, Helium Embrittlement in Type 316 Stainless Steel, Report BLG 510, August, 1975,Centre D’Etude Nucleaire, SCK/CEN, Mol, Belgium,.
2.    G. Horhoianu, Helium Generation During Reactor Irradiation in type 316 Stainless Steel and Dispersion-Strengthened Ferritic Steel, Stage Report SCK/CEN 1/1975, Centre D’Etude Nucleaire, , Mol, Belgium, Septeber, 1975.
3.    G. Horhoianu, Hight Temperature Creep Properties of Dispersion Strenghened Feritic Steels, Report, Centre D’Etude Nucleaire, Stage Report SCK/CEN 2/1975,Mol Belgium, September, 1975.
4.    G. Horhoianu, J. van de Velde, G. van Loon, Zircaloy-4 Clad UO2 Fuel Elements Irradiated to a Burnup of 7,500 MWe/Tone U, Report BLG-530, January, 1980 Centre D’Etude Nucleaire, SCK/CEN, Mol, Belgium.
5.    G. Horhoianu, D.R. Moscalu, Fuel Performance at High Powers and Extended Burnup, Paper presented to International Conference on Water Reactor Fuel Performance, and published in the Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 191-195,  5-8 June 1990, Studsvik, Sweden.
6.    G. Horhoianu, D.R. Moscalu, Improvement of the CANDU Fuel Performance in Order to Increase the Abilty to Operate at High Powers and to Meet High Burnup, Report IAEA for contract no.6197/RB, August, 1991, International Atomic Energy Agency, Viena,Austria.
7.    G. Horhoianu, D.R. Moscalu, Preliminary Prediction of ROFEM 1B Computer Code for FUMEX Fuel Rods, Progres report for IAEA-Vienna Research Contract No.7353/CF, Paper Presented to IAEA Reserch Coodination Meeting, June,1993, Halden, Norway.
8.     G. Horhoianu, D.R. Moscalu, I.A. Popescu, Investigation of Fuel Rod Behaviour During High Burnup Irradiation with ROFEM-1B Code in the FUMEX Blind Exercise, Paper presented to IAEA International Conference on Fuel Modelling at Extended Burnup (FUMEX), 15-16 September 1994, Windermere, England.
9.    G. Horhoianu, D.R. Moscalu, I.A. Popescu, Fuel Rod Behavior Analysis Using the ROFEM-1B Fuel Performance Code, Paper presented to International Conference KTG/ENS on Nuclear Fuel, March 12 – 15, 1995 and published in Proceedings Volume II, pp. 101 – 104, Würzburg, Germany,.
10.     G. Horhoianu, D.R. Moscalu, I.A. Popescu, Stress Analysis in the End Cap Weld Region of PHWR CANDU Type Fuel Element, Paper presented to International Conference on Nuclear Technology ’95,May 16-18,1995 and published in Proceedings, Volume I, pp.356 – 359,Nuremberg,Germany.
11.     D.R. Moscalu, G. Horhoianu, I.A. Popescu, G. Olteanu, CANDU Type Fuel Behavior Evaluation – A Probabilistic Approach, Paper presented to 4th International Conference on CANDU Fuel, October 1 – 4, 1995 and published in Proceedings of the conference, Pembroke, Canada.
12.    G. Horhoianu, D.R. Moscalu, I.A. Popescu, ROFEM1B Prediction in the 2th Part of CRP FUMEX. Comparison Exercise on Eight Simplified Cases. Probabilistic Approach Paper presented to 3th IAEA, Research Co-ordinationInternational  Meeting on Fuel Modelling at Extended Burnup ( FUMEX), 1-5 April, 1996, Bombay, India.
13.    G. Horhoianu, D.R. Moscalu, I.A. Popescu, Experimental Aspects of Load Cycling Capability of CANDU Type Nuclear Fuel, Paper presented to Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology ’96, 21-23 May 1996 and published in Proceedings, Volume I, pp. 442 – 445, Mannheim, Germany.
14.   G .Horhoianu, D.V. Ionescu, G. Olteanu, Nuclear Fuel Behaviour During Rapid Overpower Transients, Paper presented to International Conference AMNT ’97, May 13-15, 1997 and published in the Proceedings, Volume I, pp. 419-422, Aachen, Germany.
15.    G.Horhoianu, D.R. Moscalu, I.A. Popescu, Strain and Stress Analysis in the Endcap Weld Region of a Fuel Element, Paper published in Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, No. 168 (1997), pp.319-323 (Elsevier Science Publishers, The Netherlands).
16.    G. Horhoianu, I.A. Popescu, D.R. Moscalu, Stress Analysis in the Critical Regions of the CANDU Type Fuel Element Cladding, Paper presented to International Conference TOPFUEL ’97, Manchester, UK, 9-11 June, 1997.
17.    I.A. Popescu, D.R. Moscalu, G. Horhoianu, Calculation Method for Predicting Nuclear Fuel Element Failure via Stress Corrosion Cracking, Proc. 2nd International Seminar on VVER Nuclear Fuel Performance, Modelling and Experimental Support, 1997, Sandanski, Bulgaria.
18.   G. Horhoianu, D.V. Ionescu, S. Ion, G. Olteanu, CANDU Type Fuel Behaviour During Rapid Overpower Transients, Paper published in the  Nuclear Engineering and Design No.179 (1998), pp267-274 (Elsevier Science Publishers, The Netherlands).
19.   G. Horhoianu, D.R. Moscalu, I.A. Popescu, Investigation of Fuel Rod Behaviour under Extended Burnup Conditions with ROFEM Fuel Performance Code, Paper published in Ann. Nucl. Energy No.10, vol.25 (1998) pp695-708 (Pergamon Press Ltd, Great Britain).
20.    Horhoianu, Moscalu, G. Olteanu, D.V. Ionescu, Development of SEU-43 Fuel Bundle for CANDU Type Reactors, Paper published in Annual Nuclear Energy  No.16, vol.25 (1998), pp1363-1372 (Pergamon Press Ltd, Great Britain).
21.    G. Horhoianu, D.R. Moscalu, I.A. Popescu, D.V. Ionescu, Analysis of the Fuel Rod Behaviour under Extended Burnup Conditions, Paper prezented to International Conference AMNT ’98, 26-28 May 1998 and published in the Proceedings Volume 1 pp. 365-368, Munchen, Germany.
22.    G.Horhoianu, M. Tita, D. Ionescu, G. Olteanu, In Reactor Measurements of CANDU Type Fuel Rods Thermal Behavior, Paper presented to International Conference on Nuclear Technology”99, 18-20 May 1999 and published in Proceedings, Volume I, pp.405-408, Karlsruhe, Germany.
23.   G. Horhoianu, A. Pisica, D. Ionescu, G. Olteanu, Investigation of the SEU43 Advanced CANDU Type Extended Burnup Fuel Element Behavior under LOCA Conditions, Paper presented to IAEA Conference (Fuel Modeling, Session 2), June 18-23, 2000 and published in the Conference Proceedings, Windermere, UK.
24.   G.Horhoianu, D. Ionescu, G. Olteanu, S. Florea, A. Pisica, The Long Therm Thermal Behavior of a Spent Fuel Waste Repository Located in Granite Rock, Paper presented to International Conference:  Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000 ,September 11-14, 2000 and published in the Conference Proceedings, Bled, Slovenia.
25.   G. Horhoianu, D. Ionescu, G. Olteanu, A. Pisica, Thermal –Mechanical Behaviour of the SEU43 Advanced CANDU Type Fuel Under LOCA Conditions, Paper presented to International Conference: Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2001, Partoroz, Slovenia, 10-13 September 2001 and published in the Conference Proceedings.
26.    Horhoianu, A. Pisica, G. Olteanu, Consequences of LOCA in SEU43 Fuel Behaviour, Paper presented to International Conference on Nuclear Tehnology 2002,14-16 May 2002 and published in Proceedings, Stuttgart, Germany.
27.    G.Horhoianu, et al, CANDU Type Fuel Behaviour Under Rapid Overpower Transient Conditions, International Conference Nuclear  Energy in Central Europe 2002, September 9-12 2002, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.
28.     G.Horhoianu, G.G. Chassie, Verification Report for ELESTRES-ist 1.0 Code Installed on a PC Running the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Operating System, AECL  Report FFC-FD-005( TDS 91-37400-225-270) AECL, Mississauga, Canada.

29. Horhoianu G., et al, CANDU Type Fuel Behaviour During ACPR Tests, International Meeting on Nuclear Technology 2003, 20-22 May 2003, Berlin, Germany.
30.    Horhoianu G, et al, R&D Activities at INR Pitesti Related to Safety and Reliability of CANDU Type Fuel, International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2003, 8-11 September 2003, Portoroz, Slovenia
31.     Horhoianu G., Iradiation Experiments on CANDU type Fuel in TRIGA SS MT Reactor of INR Pitesti-Romania, Paper presented to AIEA International Meeting of RER/9/076, 26-29 January, 2004, INR, Pitesti, Romania.
32.     Horhoianu G, et al, Design Evaluation of the Recovered Uranium Fuel Bundle RU-43 for Using in CANDU Type Reactors, International Conference on Nuclear Technology 2004, 25-27 May 2004, Dusseldorf, Germany.
33.     Horhoianu G, LOCA tests on CANDU Fuel Elements in TRIGA SS MT Reactor of INR Pitesti, Paper presented to COG Meeting, 22-24 September, 2004, Toronto, Canada.
34.     Horhoianu G, RIA tests on LWR Fuel Elements in TRIGA SS MT Reactor of INR Pitesti, Paper presented to IAEA Meeting of RER/9/076, 09-12 October, 2004, Rez, Cehia.
35.    Horhoianu G, Ionescu D, Olteanu G, Three Dimensional Thermal-Mechanical Modeling of a Spent Nuclear Fuel Waste Repository Located in Granite Rock, Paper published in TRANSACTIONS of the American Nuclear Society Journal, Vol.91, page 89-90, November, 2004.
36.    Horhoianu G, Olteanu G, R. Iordache, Large Break LOCA Simulating Tests on CANDU Fuel Elements in TRIGA MT Reactor of INR Pitesti, Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, 10-12 May 2005, Nurmberg Germany.
37.    Horhoianu G, Ionescu D, A Finite Element Model for Statistic Strength Analysis of CANDU Fuel Bundle, IAEA Intrnational Meeting on Fuel Behaviour Modelling under Normal, Transient and Accident Conditions and High Burnups, 5-8 September, 2005, Kendal, United Kingdom.
38.    Horhoianu G, Olteanu G, Makihara Y, Irradiation Tests in TRIGA MT Reactor of INR Pitesti Rrelated to Safety of Nuclear Fuel, European Nuclear Conference, 11-14 December, 2005, Versailles, France.
39.    Makihara Y,Horhoianu G,Belac J,Strengthening  Safety and Reliability of Fuel and Materials in Nuclear Power Plants,International Conference TOPFUEL-2005,October 2-6,2005,Kyoto,Japan.
40.    Horhoianu G, Ionescu D, A Finite Element Model for Statistic Strength Analysis of CANDU Fuel Bundle, Paper published in KERNTECHNIK journal,HANSER-Germany,page 203-207,vol.71,No.4,August 2006.
43.   Horhoianu G,Olteanu G,Florea S, Irradiation Experiments at INR Pitesti as   Experimental Support for Development and Validation of Computer Codes,Paper Presented at IAEA Intrnational  Meeting,5-8 December 2006,Mumbai, India.
44.    Horhoianu G.,Ciocanescu M.,Power Pulse Tests on Experimental Fuel Elements in TRIGA Reactor of INR Pitesti,COG Technical Meeting,June 12,2007,Toronto,Canada(prezentare si discutii prin telefon )
45.    Horhoianu G,Patrulescu I,Technical Feasibility of the Use of RU-43 Fuel in   CANDU-6 Reactors of Cernavoda NPP, IAEA International Meeting on Reuse Options for Reprocesed Uranium, 29-31 August,2007,Viena,Austria
46.    Horhoianu G,Patrulescu I,Technical Feasibility of the Use of RU-43 Fuel in     CANDU-6 Reactors of Cernavoda NPP, Paper published in KERNTECHNIK journal,HANSER-Germany,page 26-32,Vol.73,No.1-2.,March 2008.
47.     G.Horhoianu,D.V.Ionescu,G.Olteanu,Power Puse Teastson CANDU Type Fuel Elements in TRIGA Reactor of INR Pitesti, 10th Conferece on Candu Fuel,Ottawa,Canada,5-8 October,2008.
48.     G.Horhoianu,ROFEM and CAREB Fuel Behavior Analysis Codes,IAEA Research Coordination Meeting FUMEX 3,Vienna,December, 10-12,2008

49.     G.Horhoianu,D.Dobrea,M.Parvan,V.Stefan,Behavior of CANDU Fuel under Power Pulse Conditions in the TRIGA Reactor of INR Pitesti, Paper published in KERNTECHNIK journal,HANSER-Germany,page 28-34,Vol.74,No.1-2.,April 2009.

50.     G.Horhoianu,D.V.Ionescu,A.Paraschiv,S.Florea,A.Pisica,Improvement of ROFEM and CAREB Fuel Beahavior Codes and Utilisation of These Codes in FUMEX 3 Exercise,Progress Report of IAEA Viena Research Project No.14974,June 2009

51.   G.Horhoianu, Irradiation Experiments at INR Pitesti as Experimental Support for Fuel Performance Evaluation and Validation of Computer Codes,Paper presented at IAEA Training Course on nuclear Fuel Safety,ARGONE National Laboratory,Argone,Illinois,USA,15-19 june,2009

52.  G. Horhoianu et al, In-reactor Measurements of Fuel Centerline Temperature Variation During Power Change, KERNTECHNIK Journal, Vol. 75, No.3, April 2010

53.  G. Horhoianu, Application of ROFEM and CAREB codes to FUMEX 3 Exercise, IAEA Technical Meeting – FUMEX III, 01-04 June, 2010 Pisa, Italy

54.  G. Horhoianu et al, In pile, Measurements of Fission Gas Pressure and Comparison with ROFEM Code Results ,KERNTECHNIK Journal, Vol. 75, No.4, August 2010

55.   G. Horhoianu et al, Load Following Tests on CANDU-Type Fuel Elements in TRIGA Research Reactor of INR Pitesti, The 11th International Conference on CANDU Fuel 2010, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 2010 October 17-20

56.   G.Horhoianu ,Technical Feasibility of Using MOX Fuel in CANDU-6 Reactors of Cernavoda NPP, IAEA TM on MOX Fuel and MOX Fuel Management, 21-23 February 2011,Vienna

57.   G. Horhoianu et al, Comparison between CAREB code calculations and LOCA test results in the FUMEX III project ,KERNTECHNIK Journal, Vol. 76, No.2, May 2011

58.     G. Horhoianu ,S.Palleck,CANDU Fuel Elements Behaviour in the Load Following Tests,KERNTECHNIK Journal, Vol. 76, No.4, August 2011

59.    G. Horhoianu , Investigation of the RU-43LV Fuel Behaviour under LOCA Conditions in CANDU Reactor, IAEA Conference,18-21 October 2011,Mito,Ibaraki,Japan

60.    G. Horhoianu ,In-Pile LOCA Tests.Comparison Between Code Results and Test Measurements in FUMEX III CRP, IAEA Technical Meeting,5-9 December 2011,Vienna,Austri

61.     G. Horhoianu ,D.V. Ionescu,E.Pauna,Analitical Assessment for Stress Corrosion Fatigue of CANDU Fuel Elements under Load Following Conditions, KERNTECHNIK Journal, Vol.77,No.1, March 201

62.    G.Horhoianu, M.Serbanel,C.Diaconu, Investigation of the RU-43LV Fuel Behaviour under LOCA Conditions in CANDU Reactor, KERNTECHNIK Journal,vol     77,No.5,October 2012

63      G. Horhoianu ,I. Sorescu,M. Parvan,Irradiation Tests on PHWR Type Fuel Elements in TRIGA Research Reactor of INR Pitesti, , KERNTECHNIK Journal,vol 77,No.6,December 2012

64       G.Horhoianu,G.Olteanu,D.V.Ionescu,Irradiation Behaviour of PHWR Type Fuel Elements Containing UO2 and (Th,U)O2 Pellets, send for publication  in KERNTECHNIK Journal, February 2012

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